Edinburgh Greens Participatory Budget Process
At our AGM in June 2023, a motion asked the branch to trial a Members’ Participatory Budget (PB) and it was proposed to develop and agree a mechanism by November 2023, for trialling in 2024.
Planning, controlling and evaluating performance are the three primary goals of any budgeting process. PB also aims to increase participation in spending by giving a wider group of people (in this case, Green members in Edinburgh) a greater say in how a budget is spent. A further objective for us is to increase engagement and involvement in Branch activities across the Edinburgh membership. We hope the PB trial will increase member confidence in developing and delivering projects, and encourage more participation in branch activities.
How will the amount be set each year?
In 2024 we trialled this idea and made £500 available specifically for member proposed events or initiatives. We plan to continue promoting this opportunity annually to branch members. In 2025 we will be distributing £500 again but we may be able to increase the budget in future if evaluation shows the process is a success.
How will proposals be developed and approved?
Our process has been developed along the lines of ‘Leith Chooses’ which is a local PB scheme that works successfully. Our proposed process is as follows:
Applications open in February
Application support is available through the branch microsite or from co-convenors.
Sub-branches promote and encourage applications through sub branch meetings and/or communications.
Applications close in late March and proposal are made available to view on the AGM microsite in April
Voting takes place in late April
All voters can vote for up to 3 projects in order of preference.
The project(s) with the most votes, using an STV model, win, where funds allow.
Applicants will be able to showcase their projects at our April Branch Meeting
Results will be announced first week of May
Funds will be available immediately
Each proposer completes an evaluation of the project for inclusion in branch communications in December and June (AGM)
Proposed guidelines for applications:
Proposals should aim to do at least one of the following:
Promote Green values
Improve diversity and inclusion across the branch
Increase membership across the branch
Increase membership participation and engagement
Proposers should:
Think about the kind of project we would like to support within our current themes and ambitions
Outline how the project meets the criteria for funding and a proposed budget and how the project will be carried out
Consult with partners, if appropriate
Seek support with the application if needed
Write and submit the application in adherence to the timeline
How will we evaluate the effectiveness of the trial?
Individual projects will be evaluated through a feedback loop from proposers into the branch membership in December and at the June AGM.
In 2025 a proposal should come to the branch AGM from the branch committee to advise outcomes of the first two rounds of projects and to propose if the process requires to be updated or changed following lessons learned from the trial outcome.