Consultation: | Edinburgh Greens Participatory Budget |
Proposer: | Boyan Karabaliev |
Status: | Published |
Submitted: | 17/03/2024, 23:27 |
Garden Wildflower Meadows
Tell us about your project and how you will deliver it
Urban gardens have a great potential to provide habitat for wildlife, such as native flowers and grasses, butterflies, moths, bees, and birds. Unfortunately, many are maintained as mown grass lawns or even artificial "grass", significantly reducing their biodiversity and contributing to the ecologically deprived environment of the city.
This project aims to provide members with means to create their own wildflower meadow in their gardens: freely available seed mixes (3 types), as well as help and guidance from fellow participants.
A 45-minute online Q&A event will take place to help with the following information:
- introductory guidance on establishing a wildflower meadow, best practices to ensure success
- some wildlife that can be expected to appear
Ideally, at least one workshop in a volunteer's garden will also be conducted in the autumn as this will be the best time for sowing..
Which of the aims of our PB trial will this help deliver and how?
This event will help promote at least 2 aims:
- Promote Green values by making a small contribution to the natural environment in our city, and making it accessible by providing seeds and workshops. Holding a hands-on workshop in a volunteer's garden would give people interested some hands-on experience and allow those who do not have their own gardens to participate in some wildflower gardening.
- Increase membership participation and engagement: events will be an opportunity for participants to meet other like-minded party members and hopefully attract some currently inactive members. People who join will be encouraged to share pictures of their wildflower meadows as they develop.
If it is promoted to non-members, it may also help towards the aim to increase membership across the branch. We can reach our to organisations such as the Edinburgh Garden Partners to find interested participants.
How much money (£500 max) do you require and what will it be spent on?
We will spend £75 in total on 3 native wildflower/grass mixes: 50g Bee Wildflower Seed Mix, 50g Butterfly and Moth Seed Mix, 100g on Hedgerow and Light Shade Seed Mix from This can be adjusted if participants would prefer different seed mixes or a different provider. Each of these mixes will cover 25 square meters of grass.
Who has been involved in developing this proposal?
Boyan Karabaliev