Consultation: | Edinburgh Greens Participatory Budget |
Proposer: | Mariusz Cebulski |
Status: | Published |
Submitted: | 17/03/2024, 18:30 |
Gazebo and banner for North Edinburgh and Leith Greens
Tell us about your project and how you will deliver it
North Edinburgh and Leith Greens are looking for 270 pounds to purchase a new gazebo which could be used for events, social meetings etc. as well as materials to create our own banner.
Our current gazebo is on it's last legs as it's been used a number of times during Leith Gala, Edinburgh climate festival and others. We also hope this could be utilized by neighbouring Green sub-branches, Green represantative groups or local groups.
We'd also like to purchase materials that would allow us to sew our own NEL banner. We would like to purchase the material and organize an event when we gather for group sewing.
Which of the aims of our PB trial will this help deliver and how?
A gazebo and banner is a good investment to higlight our presence during local events. We also think that the banner sewing is a fun event to organize in our sub-branch.
How much money (£500 max) do you require and what will it be spent on?
240 pounds for gazebo (, about 30 pounds for green and white fabrics for the banner (
Who has been involved in developing this proposal?
This has been decided at our sub-branch meeting, which included two current councilors.