Consultation: | Edinburgh Greens Participatory Budget |
Proposer: | Robert Keim |
Status: | Published |
Submitted: | 17/03/2024, 17:50 |
Dancing on the Inside: Creativity and Resilience The Legacy of Simon Fildes
Tell us about your project and how you will deliver it
This evening film event will be held in the Grassmarket Community Centre and will present the film work of Simon Fildes.
Simon was a Scottish film maker of international repute who was also an active member of the Edinburgh Greens. His films of dance and movement are famous for innovative and engaging approaches.
We'll a film entitled ‘Dancing on the Inside’ which compiles of some of Simon’s short screendance projects and an more autobiographical piece - 'I hope you don't mind my asking what happened to your legs.'
Simon was a sufferer of MS. He was often asked ‘I hope you don’t mind my asking ....’ This phrase stuck in his mind and he came to plan a film with that title. He sadly never lived to make it, but, after his death, those involved in the project decided it was an important film to be made.
We’ll have with us some of the people who worked on this project to answer our questions and provide context. The event will be a joint fundraiser for Edinburgh Greens and the MS Society.
Which of the aims of our PB trial will this help deliver and how?
Promote Green Values
Simon demonstrated thoughtful creativity. He modelled positivity and resilience to the vicissitudes of life. His films show an appreciation of nature and of the rich possibilities of contemporary arts.
Improve diversity and inclusion
The films will be of special interest to those involved in film, in dance, with disabled communities. For some, this This may their first contact with the SGP.
Those outside the party or on its periphery sometimes feel that we are focused too exclusively on elections. Cultural events provide aIdditional ways of engaging and appealing to people.
Increase membership
The event will increase the EGP's profile. We will have information on joining the Edinburgh Greens available on the night
Increase membership participation and engagement
As a reasonably significant event, a number of people have been involved and will continue to be. Others will as the event approaches join in in various ways to help and contribute.
How much money (£500 max) do you require and what will it be spent on?
The event will cost about £500 to run, including venue hire, film rights and promotion. We are requesting £200 to cover the film rights (which is a payment to the collaborators involved in creating the films). The rest will be covered by our sub-branch budget and we aim to raise money from ticket sales and a raffle.
Who has been involved in developing this proposal?
The proposal has been developed by the Central Edinburgh Greens sub-branch Committee, with assistance from members of the Comms Working Group and with input from Simon’s family and collaborators.