Consultation: | Edinburgh Greens AGM 2024 |
Proposer: | Daniel Milligan |
Status: | Published |
Submitted: | 06/02/2024, 20:31 |
Daniel Milligan
Why would you like to be elected to the role(s) you are standing for?
If I am chosen, I plan to work on raising the profile of the achievements of Edinburgh Green Councillors and our Green MSP. A lot of positive change is being made, and it feels like we're just getting started. Knowledge that exists among regular members can play a part in this, as well as facilitating councillors to produce video content as an immediate medium for reaching members in an accessible way. Communicating how folk can get involved and generating some momentum coming up to the local elections in 2026 will be also key. In the next bit I'll share a bit about a few of the things I've been involved in recently, but the plan for this year is to simplify my life and focus more on the Party!
What skills and experience would you bring to the role(s) you are standing for?
I have been on the committee for a year now as comms officer, and I was involved as an ordinary member for the year before that as well. I'm going to shamelessly take the opportunity to plug a video I collaborated on producing, which is being shown at the Pedal Power cycling campaigning exhibition at Museum of Edinburgh! I took photos for the Breakup of Britain conference in November as well. But being an officer is more than about the technical skill of producing a result, and since moving back to 2020 I've been trying to put myself out there organising things in bicycle campaigning. Last summer I had the honour of collaborating with Porty Ride and Porty Community Energy on running a bicycle ride to celebrate Pride.
Role preference
- First preference role:
- Communications officer
- Andrew Brough
- Iina Jaara