Consultation: | Edinburgh Greens AGM 2024 |
Proposer: | Tim Espin, tes294615 |
Status: | Published |
Submitted: | 05/20/2024, 00:04 |
Tim Espin
Why would you like to be elected to the role(s) you are standing for?
I joined the Scottish Green party just over a year ago, and since then have been co-running the East Edinburgh Greens sub-branch. I am so far really enjoying being part of our local Westminster campaign to elect Amanda Grimm and am keen to get involved in similar work across the Edinburgh branch. This role would be ideal for me to learn more about the Greens' election strategy, and put my skills to use for the benefit of the branch. As a mathematician, I enjoy analysing data to build strategy, so I'm eager to learn how best to use data from DORAS and other sources to campaign effectively!
What skills and experience would you bring to the role(s) you are standing for?
I am a meticulous planner and energetic in delivering projects. For example, I am the founder of the Edinburgh-based amateur orchestra, Aurora Ensemble Edinburgh. We have had two successful concerts so far, with our third coming up at the end of June. Also, whilst at university, I wrote and coordinated an "Education Project" for the music society, aimed at teaching primary school children about science in a musical context. I then led a team of volunteers to deliver the hour-long workshop to over 200 children before it was halted by Covid.
I held several committee positions in various university societies, including a specific community outreach role. I am used to collaborating in a team and love learning from others' experience.
Role preference
- First preference role:
- Campaigns working group, ordinary member
- Second preference role:
- Events and engagement working group, ordinary member
- Third preference role:
- Sub-branches and member support working group, ordinary member
- Alys Mumford, Amu5240
- Mary Campbell, mca5757