Consultation: | Edinburgh Greens AGM 2024 |
Proposer: | Jo Phillips |
Status: | Published |
Submitted: | 05/30/2024, 23:03 |
Jo Phillips
Why would you like to be elected to the role(s) you are standing for?
I would like to be elected as Campaigns Officer because I feel I have the required energy and enthusiasm to ensure that Scottish Greens candidates get the best service and support during their election campaigns. I enjoy working in a team and would look to make the best use of the support available and draw in new volunteers where possible. I understand the critical and urgent nature of climate change and the importance of making positive preparations to ensure as many Scottish Greens as possible are elected and re-elected within Edinburgh Council and the Scottish Government.
What skills and experience would you bring to the role(s) you are standing for?
I am currently standing as the Scottish Greens candidate for Edinburgh South in the upcoming Westminster Elections. By the 4th of July I will have passed through all the various stages of a national campaign and benefit from the first hand experiences of this process. I am already working with my campaign team to organise leafletting and canvassing, developing messaging and social media posts, and engaging in community consultation and hustings, and I am partaking in training around many different aspects of campaigning. In the progressive spirit of the Scottish Greens, I would like to work in close consultation with members to develop new ideas to further improve a positive approach to campaigning in Edinburgh.
Role preference
- First preference role:
- Campaigns Officer
- Anne Scott
- Al Neathy