Consultation: | Edinburgh Greens AGM 2024 |
Proposer: | Breck MacGregor |
Status: | Published |
Submitted: | 06/01/2024, 17:06 |
Breck MacGregor
Why would you like to be elected to the role(s) you are standing for?
My preference is for ordinary member - campaigns group. If elected, I'd help out wherever needed with the UK election campaign, and follow any arrangements for the outgoing committee to complete the campaign. When the focus shifts on to the Holyrood and local elections, I'd like to support sub-branches, especially those with less volunteer capacity, to build towards helping to elect MSPs and gaining or holding council seats.
As well as practical support, I'm interested in monitoring the next council ward boundaries and seat numbers review, and analysing the effects of this on how winnable all wards are in 2027. I feel it's important that sub-branches understand any changes, and have meaningful input into decisions on choosing target wards.
What skills and experience would you bring to the role(s) you are standing for?
I'm a leafleting volunteer organiser for half of Liberton/Gilmerton, and also canvassed and leafleted there to help increase our vote to around 1% off winning a seat in 2022. I also organised canvassing and leafleting runs for the Corstorphine/Murrayfield by-election last year, and have volunteered on election campaigns since joining in early 2014. I can use Doras and have analysed canvassing returns and local election results to identify new areas to target.
Role preference
- First preference role:
- Ordinary member - Campaigns group
- Ola Olsinova - ool239558
- Guy Johnson - gjo2356