Consultation: | Edinburgh Greens AGM 2022 |
Proposer: | Edinburgh Greens Branch Committee |
Status: | Published |
Submitted: | 06/12/2022, 23:19 |
Update membership of branch committee
Motion text
In the Standing Orders:
Amend Section 2.3 to read:
2.3.1 Branch Committee membership consists of:
Office bearers and other official posts
Representatives of any representative groups with an organised presence in
Representatives of the Councillor Group (as ex-officio members)
2.3.2 Branch Committee Sub-groups consist of:
Relevant office bearers
Ordinary members
Sub-Branch representatives where appropriate
Co-opted members.
2.3.3 Those elected to public office for the Scottish Green Party may not also
hold an elected position on the Committee.
2.3.4 Office bearers and other official posts shall have a job description which
must be available to all Branch members.
This motion amends the Standing Orders to reflect the new branch structure in place from 2022, which includes a smaller committee and more formalised sub-groups. The motion clarifies the membership of each.
- Zoe Clelland