Other ways to be involved with the branch committee
The committee also has positions for different representatives, selected by the group they are representing:
- Local team/sub-branch representatives (1 per local team/sub-branch)
- MSP/Cllr representatives
- Young Greens/Women’s Network/Rainbow Greens/Disabled Greens representative (1 per group)
Speak to the relevant group if you would be interested in joining the committee as a local team or liberation group representative. You can read the role descriptions for these roles too. You do not need to submit a nomination for these positions, instead you should be put forward by the group you wish to represent. Contact the branch Co-Convenors if you would like support doing this - convenors.edin@scottishgreens.org.uk.
Working groups
Any party member can join working groups which are convened by different committee members. You don’t need to put yourself up for election for this, you can just email us to join! This can be a great way of dipping your toe in the water of branch activity.
The new committee will decide which working groups they would like to convene. This year, there is likely to be an election campaigns group focusing on the local elections happening in 2022. Other previous working groups have included:
Membership and local teams: looking at ways of engaging our current membership by working with local team leads to inspire members to get active locally/branch-wide
Communications: helping to organise all aspects of the branch communications; social media, print publications (Green News) and press
Events/Fundraising: helping to run events and fundraising activities, both at the local team and branch-wide level
Accessibility: concentrating on making the branch processes/activities (events, communications) accessible and inclusive for all members
You do not need to submit a nomination to join any working group. Contact convenors.edin@scottishgreens.org.uk if you would like to discuss how the working groups function in greater detail.