Consultation: | Edinburgh Greens AGM 2021 |
Proposer: | Edinburgh Green Party |
Status: | Published |
Submitted: | 06/13/2021, 22:11 |
Branch Reserves Policy (update)
Motion text
Insert into EGP Constitution, Section 4 (after "As at 2020, the reserves would
be set at £3000 for one year's running costs or £6000 for two years'."):
To make a payment which will reduce the branch reserves to below the equivalent
of two years' running costs, the Treasurer will need the agreement of the Branch
Committee. To make a payment which will reduce the branch reserves to below the
equivalent of one year's running costs, the Treasurer will need the agreement
(by simple majority) of the branch at a branch meeting.
The reserves policy was agreed at the 2020 Edinburgh Green Party AGM. During the discussion, a question was raised about who would have the power to decide to use some of the branch reserves. It was requested that an additional part of the motion would be brought to the 2021 AGM.