Consultation: | Edinburgh Greens Candidate Selection |
Proposer: | Daniel Milligan |
Status: | Published |
Submitted: | 11/30/2024, 16:42 |
Daniel Milligan
I’m Daniel (he/him) and I’m looking for a 2nd opportunity to run for councillor in this ward. I ran in the recent by-election last month, after which 1 vacancy have been left by a long-standing politician, and another by the winner of the by-election itself already leaving. We now have an opportunity to show that the Greens are persistent and consistent, and that we take local authority representation seriously. By entering this nomination, I intend to support this message. Though the seat is not viewed as winnable for our party, If elected, I will take the job!
During the campaign, we made some valuable connections in Colinton Mains / Oxgangs and saw a boost to our vote share there. I hope to have the chance to follow up on some of the discussions we had, particularly on the use of green spaces. Our vote share went down a bit in the west end of the ward, where there is now an opportunity to bounce back a bit. I would plan to contact some of the local groups that are doing great work on active travel and the sharing economy to see what we could be doing to support them.
As for myself, I’m local to south Edinburgh, based near to Colinton, and lived in Oxgangs for my last year of primary school. Otherwise I’ve lived in 4-5 different countries, and have a background in environmental microbiology. Currently I work in in healthcare logistics, and I’ve been an active green with the branch for almost 3 years, and the national Executive for one year.
- Anne Scott
- Al Neathey