Consultation: | Edinburgh Greens AGM 2020 |
Proposer: | Yasmin Luqman |
Status: | Published |
Submitted: | 08/30/2020, 16:11 |
Committee Nomination: Yasmin Luqman
I believe I would be a strong candidate for the Committee given my passion for Green issues alongside my skills and experience in supporting projects, campaigns, and organisations. I have found a supportive community with the Edinburgh Greens and want to contribute to its operations and bring in others who care deeply about Green issues.
I became involved with the Greens initially by supporting Kate Nevens's campaign last December. This experience solidified my need to support just and inclusive policy development, especially in areas of:
- Promoting disarmament and ending the arms trade
- Promoting and supporting sustainable policies
- Protecting Edinburgh's most vulnerable people
- Supporting an independent Scotland
Scotland will be stronger without relying on income from the brutal arms trade and harmful, unsustainable energy. As a British Yemeni who is frustrated and disturbed by the UK diplomatic and financial support for the war, I want to support ending the arms trade through developing peaceful alternatives with the Greens.
Currently, I work as a Project Assistant where I support project operations in ways such as:
- Coordinating events and meetings for colleagues across the project
- Taking and distributing detailed and accurate minutes
- Managing the project's SharePoint and the website
- Liaising with colleagues and external stakeholders
These are technical skills I would bring to the Committee to support its operations and would be grateful given the opportunity to partake.
Role preference
- First preference role:
- Policy and Campaigns Officer
- Second preference role:
- Secretary
- Third preference role:
- Accessibility and Inclusion Officer
- Fourth preference role:
- Vice Convener
- Fifth preference role:
- Ordinary Member
- Alan Trotter - atr17583
- Tristan Gray - tgr102245