Consultation: | Edinburgh Greens AGM 2020 |
Proposer: | Julia Bandel |
Status: | Published |
Submitted: | 08/24/2020, 21:01 |
Committee Nomination: Julia Bandel
Hi, I'm Julia Bandel, Edinburgh Young Greens co-convenor and a member of the current branch committee. I'm standing for the role of Vice-Convenor because I'm organised, hard-working and believe I have the enthusiasm, flexibility, and relevant experience needed to support our co-convenors. I'm already chairing meetings and events, coordinating teamwork, and monitoring email inboxes for the Edinburgh Young Greens, and would be happy to help out with whatever is needed.
I'm also excited about the Vice-Convenor's place on the Membership and Local Teams working group. Since co-launching the Young Green Women project, I've heard many people speak about how feel like they 'wouldn't fit in' at their local branches because of their gender, age, or nationality. Edinburgh Greens are already an exemplary branch, and I would like to ensure we lead the way on addressing such issues.
Alternatively, I would happily take on the roles of
- Communications Coordinator: I have gained plenty of experience of newsletter writing, managing social media accounts, and graphic and web design in past paid and unpaid roles and would be excited to use these skills to assist the branch.
- Events and Training Coordinator: as a member of the 19/20 Events and Fundraising team, I've been involved in the organisation of all branch events and have a good grasp of what the role involves. Additionally, I have coordinated training workshops and skill-sharing sessions for the Scottish Young Greens.
Role preference
- First preference role:
- Vice-convenor
- Second preference role:
- Communications Coordinator
- Third preference role:
- Events and Training Coordinator
- Kate Nevens (kne16979)
- Ben Parker (bpa15996)